As usual, Johnny Flowers was runn ing his New Jersey opinions full throttle in my Hope, Nebraska face. Because, I had made the mistake of telling him that I had received a copywriting assignment from the Muiregional Booster people:
"How do you qualify for that! Did you go to copy writer's school!"
"No. I did not go to copy writers' school. I didn't have to, Johnny. It's all the same stuff. My six years of graduate creative writing classes fill most all the slots I need!"
Later, he says, " Dodge has a deal where you can buy a 2010 Dodge Ram and then you can walk away free if you don't like it within six months. That's what you need to do Kamaroh. People will see you driving that truck and they will say, There goes Kamaroh! He must be doing something right."
(Disclaimer: I did not check to see if this is a real Dodge Offer or not!)