I struggle always to describe the way I feel about San Francisco and the reason that I am compelled always to find reasons why I must take day trips from Muirsville and visit her on a regular basis. The motivator of mine I once wrote about that I like the best is that I must go to the City to see how she is feeling and to check her pulse. It is much deeper than that for me but that is about all I am able to reach; that's about as lyrical as I can manage; I just don't know what more there is too freshly say about the lure and the charm of the city by the bay.... and that is the reason that I decided to write about what Deepok Chopra had recently to say about San Francisco when he was here.
...This is from a piece written by Ceilie Millner that I read the Sunday, Nov. 1, Chronicle in the Style section of the paper and is his responce, in Kamarohs parlance, when asked what his opinion of San Francisco is: Not too many cities have a soul. A city must have some rough edges in orde to have a soul and SF has one that is Bohemian, relaxed and friendly. It is a generous place and you can spot that by how it treats its homeless.
...It struck me, after I read the complete article that, given I know how difficult it is to articulate one's sentiments about her majesty San Francisco, Deepak Chopra has done a good job of saying how he felt about the The City and that I would like to write about it in my blog. He has written a new book called Reinventing The Body, Resurecting the Soul: How To Create A New You. I believe I will buy a copy if the seller of it will take Pay Pal.