LAST WEEK I was in San Jose on business and I stopped by the Bay 101 Club and relived poignant memories of nine years ago.
The area where Asiana sang, talked to me, and danced with me--and I was blissfully and naively happy with that not knowing then that she was at that moment taking permanent residence in a room in my soul that will apparently be topsy turvey and unfinished for the rest of my life--has been converted into an extension of the restaurant. Bay 101 did not have a cabaret license; I was told that as the result of these, largely Vietnamese dances, there were fights and trouble and some years ago the City Fathers shut the dances down.
SO WHEN I FOUND OUT where Asiana was singing I went to San Jose to see her. The first attempt was a total bust: I got horribly lost and she was not there but at a special gig in Santa Cruz; However, the next one was succesful--I walked into the room she was on stage singing, "How good it is to see you." Asiana had not seen me for three months. And, when she spotted me, she waved and blew kisses and man did I feel good. It felt as though I was in a movie.