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Naturalist by devotion, humorist by genetics, hero by default; Kamaroh is a Republican, a Presbyterian, a Polio surviver, a former US Marine, & Great Plains Badger. Earned an MA in English from SFSU. Student & friend of novelist Kay Boyle. His blog is a no profanity zone. There is little edgey emotionalism if he avoids thinking about his children. Kamaroh is a masculinist, places value on fraternity & believes living stag is a responsible and manly option. Particularly apreciative of the charm of Asian females, he discovered in 1999 he is able to love one small lady to the extreme that thinking about her can make his nose bleed. From boyhood forward, he values having male friends & male role models; though this blog is an extention of that belief; it is all welcome. Though containing male posturing, biased poetry, shakey facts, & faulted bachelor housekeeping, this blog's intent is to be good for your health & contains no spanky material. Pardon me if I am speaking too loudly because even with the high tech ... hearing aids the Veterans Administration provides to me, I do not have normal hearing.

Monday, May 18, 2009

DEAR PAUL TUETAL, The Burden I Carry Is Heavy....

Again I had the urge to Email a celebrity; this time it was Paul Tuetel; so, again, I figured out that the best way to handle that was to make the contact right here!. Roommate and I were talking about Orange County Choppers and Paul Senior and his book that he recently published and we were both in accord that we coveted his man-toy possessions--property, a business, cars, trucks, motorcycles, and pygmy horses. I said that I liked the way he had apparently pulled himself up by the bootstraps. Roommate, constantly the one to challenge whatever I say, retorted "How do you know that! Maybe he was born rich!" I don't know that Paul Teutal wasn't born rich--I would guess from his muscle tone that he wasn't--but what Kamaroh does believe in with every minuscule part of his being is in the triumph of the common man; and, if Paul wasn't born rich, then more power being to him and his hard nosed success is my way of thinking about it.

Always I have been piqued by the Teutals' direct, in-your-face, confrontal style; I actually admire it and think it a strong, alpha male, male approach to relating to one's lads--forget the pouty stuff I see going on. Anyhow, where I meant to go with all this is that Kamaroh has been watching the recent Chopper episodes in which there is a split between Paul Senior and Paul Jr. and it hits close to home for me and I was able to value Senior's pain; and so, Paul Tuetal Senior, since I am a better lyricist than fabricator this is what I came up with: Lord, this burden I carry in my heart is heavy, and Lord the burden it ain't my my sins and it aint my brother; it is my son. #