- Kamaroh
- Naturalist by devotion, humorist by genetics, hero by default; Kamaroh is a Republican, a Presbyterian, a Polio surviver, a former US Marine, & Great Plains Badger. Earned an MA in English from SFSU. Student & friend of novelist Kay Boyle. His blog is a no profanity zone. There is little edgey emotionalism if he avoids thinking about his children. Kamaroh is a masculinist, places value on fraternity & believes living stag is a responsible and manly option. Particularly apreciative of the charm of Asian females, he discovered in 1999 he is able to love one small lady to the extreme that thinking about her can make his nose bleed. From boyhood forward, he values having male friends & male role models; though this blog is an extention of that belief; it is all welcome. Though containing male posturing, biased poetry, shakey facts, & faulted bachelor housekeeping, this blog's intent is to be good for your health & contains no spanky material. Pardon me if I am speaking too loudly because even with the high tech ... hearing aids the Veterans Administration provides to me, I do not have normal hearing.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Given that Kamaroh is a man of means, he has plenty of time to read the newspapers he finds about. So, the idea is, that he heard voiced in The San Francisco Chronicle, that if you purchase a copy and read it and then deposit it in a public place so as another reader may pick it up, you are screwing up; make the next guy buy his own; force that individual to make his or her own contribution to the survival of the San Francisco icon. I remember when they used to roast coffee imediately below the bay bridge; when there was a flower stand on Market Street between I think 3rd and 4th; and I remember things such as when when Melvin Belli used to be in the news a lot and when Ricearoni was the San Francisco treat. And, I was the last man standing when cable cars used to be a Powell Street tourist must see.